Facts from 1963
Hononegah Class of 1963 Graduated!
Coca-Cola debuts its first diet drink, TAB cola.
ZIP Codes are introduced in the U.S. in 1963
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.04 ($0.05 as of 1/7/63) Audio cassettes introduced
Unemployment: 5.5%
Academy Award, Best Picture: Lawrence of Arabia
World Series - LA Dodgers d. NY Yankees (4-0)
1963 Football Championship San Diego Chargers 51, Boston Patriots 10| Jack Nicklaus wins his first Masters golf tournament; with over $125,000 in winnings, Arnold Palmer becomes golf's all-time top money winner Cassius Clay (the future Muhammad Ali) defeats Sonny Liston to win heavyweight boxing title
Cost of things:
Gas - $ .29 cents/gallon Bacon – $ .29 cents/pound Oranges - $ .45 cents/dozen
Potatoes - $ .04 cents/pound
Average Cost of new house $12,650.00 Average Income per year $5,807.00
AT&T introduced touch tone phones
Pull Tab Can as used for soda (pop)
Popular TV Programs
1959 - Alaska and Hawaii become U.S. states
January 14 - George C. Wallace becomes governor of Alabama. In his inaugural speech, he defiantly proclaims "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever April 21 - Michael E. De Bakey implants artificial heart in human for first time at Houston hospital. May 1 - Coca-Cola debuts its first diet drink, TAB cola. June 17 - US Supreme Court rules no locality may require recitation of Lord's Prayer or Bible verses in public schools
June 3 - Pope John XXIII dies and is succeeded June 21 by Cardinal Montini, who becomes Paul VI.
July 1 - ZIP Codes are introduced in the U.S. August 28 - Civil rights rally held by 200,000 blacks and whites in Washington, D.C.; Martin Luther King delivers “I have a dream” speech
August 30 - Washington-to-Moscow “hot line” communications link opens, designed to reduce risk of accidental war
November 22 - President Kennedy shot and killed by sniper in Dallas, Tex. Lyndon B. Johnson.becomes the 36th President. All television coverage for the next three days is devoted to the assassination, its aftermath, the procession of the horse drawn casket to the Capitol Rotunda, and the funeral of President Kennedy. Stores and businesses shut down for the entire weekend and Monday, in tribute.
November 24 - New U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson confirms that the United States intends to continue supporting South Vietnam militarily and economically. There are 15,000 US military advisers in South Vietnam. December 26 - I Want to Hold Your Hand and I Saw Her Standing There are released in the U.S., marking the beginning of full-scale Beatlemania. The Rolling Stones emerge with an aggressive, blues-derived style.
US GDP (1998 dollars): $617.4 billion Federal spending: $111.32 billion Federal debt: $310.3 billion Consumer Price Index: 30.6 Unemployment: 5.5% Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.04 ($0.05 as of 1/7/63)
World Series LA Dodgers d. NY Yankees (4-0) Academy Award, Best Picture: Lawrence of Arabia, Sam Spiegel, producer (Columbia)
The French Chef with Julia Child debuts on educational television
Books: Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique. James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time e e cummings, 73 Poems Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar Thomas Pynchon, V John Rechy, City of Night Charles M. Schulz, Happiness is a Warm Puppy John Updike, The Centaur Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle
Science: The first liver transplant is performed by F.D. Moore and T.E. Starzl.